Science, Magic. Program it!

Psi is a magical tech spell programming mod inspired by Mahouka. Don't worry if that doesn't make any sense.

The core of Psi is a system where you can create action sequences ("Spells") to be executed in the world. Just look to the left of this text for some examples.

This system is followed by a leveling system containing ingame documentation and tutorials of the various concepts and pieces you'll get. The mod makes use of basic mathematical concepts, such as Vectors in its systems, which allows for great flexibility on what spells can do.

Is very flexible on what it allows you to do;
Encourages creativity and problem solving;
Ties in the reward to the creation process;
Can do some pretty cool stuff.


Not convinced yet? Check out some videos.

Official preview videos showing off what's in already:
The mod was also shown off on Direwolf20's ForgeCraft series: